Monday, August 30, 2010

Day 4 - Brushes, Logos, & Concepts

Graphics 1 - Today I will demo how to create a brush in ILLUSTRATOR.  You will make a SCATTER, ART, and PATTERN brush.  Use FILE > SAVE FOR WEB & DEVICES, then post your image on your blog.  

Multimedia 1 - Research and type up your NEWS CONCEPT for you category. 

Graphics 2 - Go to this website:  CLICK HERE!
Choose a logo to recreate representing you.



Day 3 - Quiz reviews and stuff.

Graphics 1 - Today you opened up ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR and labeled the tools in the TOOLS PALETTE on your handout.  We then discussed the uses for the four selection tools: SELECTION, DIRECT SELECTION, MAGIC WAND, & LASSO.  The last part of class, we reviewed for your quiz on WEDNESDAY.  In your spare time, work on your blogs.

DUE: Your syllabus signed by a parent.

Multimedia 1 - Today you defined these terms in your notes: OBJECTIVITY, SLANDER, & LIABLE.  Then we went over the Handout for writing a proper newscast.  Next, I broke you into your groups for your first PODCAST and assigned your categories.  Research your news story.  Your concept is due tomorrow.

DUE: Your syllabus signed by a parent.

Graphics 2 - Today you turned in your papers on your SYMBOL or ICON project.  Then you worked on getting your icons created in ILLUSTRATOR using the PEN TOOL.  When you are finished post it on your blog.  Remember to SAVE FOR WEB & DEVICES.

DUE: Your syllabus signed by a parent.
           Symbols & Icons paper.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Day 2 - Copyrights, Fair Use, & Public Domain


Today you will be asked to use the internet to come up with solid definitions for the following terms.  Write or type these definitions in your notes.



We discussed the differences and applications of both.  Next, use your web browser to go to  This site is a great resource for copyright issues.  We looked at the section labeled popular and discussed the BATMAN and DEVIL'S ADVOCATE film infringement cases.

DUE MONDAY: Your SYLLABUS with a parent signature.
QUIZ: Wednesday
REVIEW: Monday

courtesy of

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 1 - 2010

Welcome everyone!  Glad to meet you all.  Today we will go over the syllabus and class expectations.  We will also begin setting up your blog.


TODAY: We setup up blogs @ using our existing emails.  If you have trouble with BLOGGER, you can use an alternate:

Your 1st blog should say something like - "My name is ________ and this is my blog." and should have stated the one thing you want to learn by the end of semester.

Your 2nd blog should include the picture we used iCHAT to take of yourself and post on your blog account.

MONDAY - SIGNED Syllabus is due!

It will be a good idea to BOOKMARK this page as your daily updates will go here.

Blogger logo courtesy of                                             Wordpress logo courtesy of