Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 57 - Workday!

Graphics 1 - Yesterday, we made your faces blue and warped your noses.  Today you can move forward.  I will come around to make sure everyone is caught up.  AVATAR tutorial, CLICK HERE!

Multimedia 1 - Today you will turn in a CONCEPT for your MUSIC VIDEO.  You will print a page containing: YOUR SONG TITLE, ARTIST, LYRICS.  Then, add what your concept is.  BEGINNING, MIDDLE, END.

Graphics 2 - Work on your CLASSIC CAR POSTERS.  I will help individually.

Day 56 - Tuesday Decemeber 15, 2010

Graphics 1 - Today I will demo the AVATAR tutorial.  To find it CLICK HERE!

Multimedia 1 - Today you will record your NEWSCAST and edit it using FINAL CUT PRO. 
File > Export > Quicktime Movie.  Send it to my DROPBOX.

Graphics 2 - Work on your CLASSIC CAR POSTER.  I will demo some shading techniques.  Remember, you must do your linework in ILLUSTRATOR and your colors and shading in PHOTOSHOP.

Lines + Flat Color + some Door Shading.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 55 - Back to it

Graphics 1 - Today we will start our AVATAR project.  Take a picture of yourself, using iChat and then use the tutorial to convert yourself.  CLICK HERE for the AVATAR tutorial.

Multimedia 1 - Today you will turn in concepts for your FINAL NEWSCAST.  I will also talk about expectations for your MUSIC VIDEO.

Graphics 2 - Today we will get started on the Classic Car Poster.  Do 3 concept sketches for your layout.  TITLE, GRAPHICS, and leave space for added text.

Day 54 - Thursday December 8, 2010 - Sorry, still sick

Graphics 1 - Work on your TYPE tutorial.  If you finish do this tutorial, using your OWN NAME.  CLICK HERE for the link to the tutorial.

Multimedia 1 - You may use the rest of the time to work on your COMMERCIALS.  They are due today.

Graphics 2 - Finish up your GAMEBOY.  For your next project, you will be asked to design a poster for a classic car show.  Your client wants a vintage look.  Use the same technique as the GAMEBOY.  Lines in ILLUSTRATOR and color and shading in PHOTOSHOP.  Do some research.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day 53 - MISTER NANDA is out sick. BE RESPECTFUL!

Graphics 1 - Work on your TYPE tutorial.  If you finish do this tutorial, using your OWN NAME.  CLICK HERE for the link to the tutorial.

Multimedia 1 - Define the terms on the board using GOOGLE and hand them in.  Then, you may use the rest of the time to work on your COMMERCIALS.

Graphics 2 - Finish up your GAMEBOY.  For your next project, you will be asked to design a poster for a classic car show.  Your client wants a vintage look.  Use the same technique as the GAMEBOY.  Lines in ILLUSTRATOR and color and shading in PHOTOSHOP.  Do some research.

Courtesy of

Day 53 - Monday December 6, 2010

Graphics 1 - We will demo the GRUNGE TYPE tutorial.  It is located @

Multimedia 1 - Work on your commercials.  I will demo some effects.

Graphics 2 - Work on GAMEBOYS.

Day 52 - Thursday December 2, 2010

Graphics 1 - You SNOWMAN is due on your blog TODAY!

Multimedia 1 - YOU MUST HAVE FOOTAGE for your commercial by MONDAY.  NO EXCUSES!  (th hour fill out your NEWSCAST worksheets.

Graphics 2 - Work on your GAMEBOY.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 51 - Final Cut Pro Effects & SNOWMAN!

Graphics 1 - Your SNOWMAN is due on your blog by the end of the hour.

Multimedia 1 - Today we will finish up presenting our posters and I will demo how to import media into FINAL CUT PRO.  We will apply various effects.

Graphics 2 - Work on your GAMEBOYS.

Day 50 - Correction - Tuesday Nov. 30, 2010

Graphics 1 - Today is a workday.  I will demo any part of the SNOWMAN you need to see.  SNOWMAN due THURSDAY.

Multimedia 1 - Today we will begin presenting our STORYBOARDS, looking for technical difficulties, and checking out cameras.  ALL VIDEO due MONDAY.

Graphics 2 - Work on your GAMEBOYS.