Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 21 - Iron Man, Slideshow, & Stamps

Graphics 1 - Today we scanned your LINE ART.  Then I demonstrated the technique for layering color using IRON MAN.  Make sure to draw in complete shapes.

Multimedia 1 - Today finish up your COLLAGES and I demoed how to make a SLIDESHOW in GARAGEBAND.

Graphics 2 - Work on your STAMPS.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 20 - 40 Photo Collage, Sketches, & Stamps

Graphics 1 - Today we will present your sketch concepts to the class.  We will vote on which concept is the strongest.

Multimedia 1 - Today you will finish up your PHOTO SEARCH.  Start a new file in PHOTOSHOP.  Set it up to be 17in wide and 11in tall with a resolution of 300.  You will begin creating a collage useing your photos.  I will demo basic image adjustments and feathering selections.

Graphics 2 -  Your papers are due today.  Work on your Influential person STAMP.  Remember, to include varying levels of detail. 

Basic Slideshow example using Garageband

Day 19 - Tuesday Sept. 28th, 2010

Graphics 1 - Today you will do 3 sketches for your next project.  For inspiration, check out a site called  YOUR THEMES:  "CITY OF GHOSTS", "FIRST FLIGHT", & "BUTTERFLY BATTLE"

Multimedia 1 - You will have today to work on getting your Photo Search done.

Graphics 2 - Today we will look at some examples of VECTOR PORTRAITS.  Google the word "VECTOR ART" and you will see many great examples.  I will demo how to start with a basic outline tone (like the CARICATURE PROJECT) and how to break the face into various shades.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 18 - Landscape donage!

Graphics 1 - Your LANDSCAPES should be on your blog and you should have a grade at this point.

Multimedia 1 - Today we will discuss HOW TO find Quality Photography on the web.  You will be given a HANDOUT containing 40 random items that you must find high quality photos for.  Pay attention to your definitions today.  Must be at least a 1000 pixels.

Graphics 2 - Finish up and post your 2 PAGE SPREADS to your blog.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 17 - Podcasts, Gradients, & Spreads.

Graphics 1 - Today we will continue working on the LANDSCAPE TUTORIAL.  The link to it is on the DAY 16 POST.

Multimedia 1 - You must have your Second PODCAST in my DROPBOX, by the end of the day.

Graphics 2 - We will finish up looking at the rest of your SPREADS.  THey need to be posted to your blog by MONDAY.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 16 - Recordings & Landscapes.

Graphics 1 - CLICK HERE! Landscape Tutorial.  Today we will finish up critiquing your logos and start on the LANDSCAPE TUTORIAL.  Courtesty of DENISDESIGNS.COM.  Check out this great website.

Multimedia 1 - QUIZ TODAY!  After the quiz on your terms, I will hand back your concepts and you will have the opportunity to revise them.  Then you need to get your entire group recorded into GARAGEBAND.  Tomorrow is an EDITING ONLY day.

Graphics 2 - Today we will look at your 2 PAGE SPREADS and critique them in class. 

Day 15 - Presentations & Garageband

Graphics 1 - Today you will present your logos to the class and discuss what is working and what could be enhanced.  Post your LOGOS on your BLOG.

Multimedia 1 - Today we reviewed for your TERMS QUIZ TOMORROW!  Look over you notes.  DOWNLOAD the "GARAGEBAND.PDF" from my listing folder.  Today I will demo how to use Garageband to make your second NEWSCAST.

Graphics 2 - We will start presenting our layouts tomorrow.  There were only 6 students in class today.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 14 - Work Day, Catchup!

Graphics 1 - We will finish quizzing the folks that were missed on Thursday.  Finish up your LOGOS.  You should have the BRUSHES, a NAME in PEN, & your LOGO on your BLOG!

Multimedia 1 - Your NEWS CONCEPTS for the 2nd newscast are due typed in the proper format by the END OF CLASS!


Graphics 2 - Work on your 2 PAGE SPREAD layouts.  Remember to use your grid, and to avoid ORPHANS/WINDOWS.  Make them interesting.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 13 - Quiz, Newscasts, Sketches.

Graphics 1 - QUIZ TODAY!  You may work on your logos and I will meet with you individually to quiz you on the HUTS.

Multimedia 1 - Today, we assigned NEWSCAST 2.  You will be assigned your groups and categories.  Research your NEWStory and make sure your have your COLLAGES posted.

Graphics 2 - Today, I will approve your layout sketches for your 2 PAGE SPREAD.

Day 12 - Wednesday Sept. 15, 2010

Graphics 1 - Today we did the QUICKDRAW assignment.  I called out random words and gave you 10-15 seconds to draw them on a sheet of paper.  The drawings were about 1" by 1" so you could fit them on the page.


Multimedia 1 - Today we did the ROTATING STORYLINE exercise in SOUNDTRACK PRO.  Everyone recorded 10 seconds of audio and then switched computers to record another 10 seconds on another computer.  In the end you had 4-5 clips on your original computer.  It is your job to correct them for errors and adjust the amplitude of the audio.  EXPORT MIX the final audio into my DROPBOX.

Graphics 2 - Work on your 2 PAGE SPREAD.  Begin your layout sketches.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Day 11 - Collages, Logos, & Typography

Graphics 1 - CLICK HERE!
You will have the first 15 minutes of class to finish up your HUTS or to work on your LOGO.  Then click above where it says 'CLICK HERE!" to go to a site discussing the 5 PRINCIPLES of EFFECTIVE LOGO DESIGN.  Use these ideas to reflect on your LOGO process.

Multimedia 1 - Finish up your PS COLLAGE tutorial and post it on your blog.

Graphics 2 - Today I will demo how to set up your 2 PAGE SPREAD.  Also, our FONTs will be assigned.  Begin your layout sketches.

 Evolution of the marble concept...

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Day 10 - Monday Sept. 13, 2010

Graphics 1 - Finish up your HUTS EXERCISE.  I will demo 5-9 today.  You are expected to be able to demo 1-9 to the class y THURS.  If you are done you may research your logo design.

Multimedia 1 - CLICK HERE!  Today we will do a basic PHOTOSHOP tutorial.  It is just to get you used to an image editor.  You will be creating a collage.  You may GOOGLE pics of various animals to use in the picture.  Focus on using the SELECTION TOOLS and LAYERS PALETTE.

Graphics 2 - Today I will assign the 2 PAGE SPREAD assignment.  We will look at some examples of what is expected from the project and I will HANDOUT the guidleines.  Make sure you follow the instructions thoroughly.  No one may use the same font as another classmate.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 9 - Thursday Sept. 9, 2010

Graphics 1 - Post your NAME done with PEN TOOL on your blog.

Multimedia 1 - Today we went to and choose an image that appeals to you.  We will discuss why you chose the image and present it to the class.

Graphics 2 - Finish up your CARICATURE and post it to your blog.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 8 - Rockport logos, Final Podcast, & Caricatures!

Graphics 1 - Today we will look at some professional logos.  Go to my LISTING FOLDER under GRAPHICS 1 and download ROCKPORT - LETTERHEAD & LOGO DESIGN.pdf.  Scan through the 200 some logos and pick one to discuss with the class.

Multimedia 1 - Your final recordings are due today.  Everyone must be recorded and revised then the final mix must be put in my dropbox.  Use File> Export Mix.  Name it after your group and put it in my dropbox.

Graphics 2 -  Today you will work on your CARICATURES.  Remember that every tone you use must have shadows and highlights.  Give them depth.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 7 - Tuesday Sept. 7th, 2010

Graphics 1 - Finish up "Pen Tool the Exercise."  The create a new file in ILLUSTRATOR.  Click VIEW>SHOW GRID.  Create the letters for your name using the pen tool.  You must have at least 4 characters or you have to use a middle or last name.  One letter in the name must have a curve.  Post this on our blog.

Multimedia 1 - Today we need to revise our NEWS CONCEPTS.  A lot of them are missing pertinant info.  Please correct these to get a better grade.  Corrections must also be added to your recordings.

Graphics 2 -  Today I will show you the example for the CARICATURE project.  Take a picture of yourself using iCHAT, and distort it using one of the video effects.  Try to obscure one of your dominant features; nose, forehead, chin, etc.  Then begin tracing the shapes in ILLUSTRATOR.  Each color must have a light and dark shade as well.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 6 - Thursday Sept. 31, 2010

Graphics 1 - Finish up the PEN TOOL exercise.  (Download "Pen Tool the"  from my listing Folder.  Look in the Graphics 1 folder.

Multimedia 1 - All members in your group must be recorded using SOUNDTRACK PRO and the LOGITECH headsets by the end of the hour.  We will edit them next week.

Graphics 2 - Finish up your logos.  Post your LOGO on your blog using FILE> SAVE FOR WEB & DEVICES.  (Go to this website:  CLICK HERE!)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Graphics 1 - TAKE YOUR QUIZ.  Then you will download "Pen Tool the"  from my listing Folder.  Look in the Graphics 1 folder. 

Multimedia 1 - TAKE YOUR QUIZ.  Then I will DEMO how to use SOUNDTRACK PRO to record your podcasts.  DUE: Your typed concepts in the proper format.

Graphics 2 - TAKE YOUR QUIZ.  Post your symbol on your blog using FILE> SAVE FOR WEB & DEVICES.  The work on LOGOs.  Go to this website:  CLICK HERE!
Choose a logo to recreate representing you.