Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 7 - Tuesday Sept. 7th, 2010

Graphics 1 - Finish up "Pen Tool the Exercise."  The create a new file in ILLUSTRATOR.  Click VIEW>SHOW GRID.  Create the letters for your name using the pen tool.  You must have at least 4 characters or you have to use a middle or last name.  One letter in the name must have a curve.  Post this on our blog.

Multimedia 1 - Today we need to revise our NEWS CONCEPTS.  A lot of them are missing pertinant info.  Please correct these to get a better grade.  Corrections must also be added to your recordings.

Graphics 2 -  Today I will show you the example for the CARICATURE project.  Take a picture of yourself using iCHAT, and distort it using one of the video effects.  Try to obscure one of your dominant features; nose, forehead, chin, etc.  Then begin tracing the shapes in ILLUSTRATOR.  Each color must have a light and dark shade as well.


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